After 5 years of school spent studying Ancient Greek, Latin, Philosophy and other Humanities – and loving all of them – I went to study Physics at university (because why not?). In 2003 I graduated (Bsc+Msc) in Theoretical Physics from the Sapienza University of Rome, and in 2007 I got my Phd in Physics from the same university under the supervision of Vittorio Loreto. I then joined the group of Romualdo Pastor-Satorras at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in Barcelona, where I worked first as a postdoc (2007-2008) and then as a Juan de la Cierva fellow (2009-2011). In Jan. 2012 I joined the Laboratory for the Modeling of Socio-Technical Systems led by Alessandro Vespignani at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. In Sept. 2013 I became a lecturer in Mathematics at City, University of London.
I am an external member of the UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies and I served as an elected member of the Council and the Executive Committee of the Complex Systems Society for the mandate 2012-2015.